SourceOwls connects you to proven recruiters that make hires happen.
SourceOwls is a structured recruiting marketplace bringing professional recruiters and hiring authorities together to fill priority roles quickly and efficiently.
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Engage with teams of industry-specific recruiters on one platform!
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You’re done. The team of SourceOwls will recruit on the posted jobs you entered.
We will notify you when they submit candidates for your review.
Stop paying job boards for unqualified candidates.
Start using our specialized industry proven SourceOwls recruiters
See for yourself why SourceOwls is different
The candidate review process is a SNAP.
You set the interview questions asked to each candidate by our SourceOwls Recruiters.
SourceOwls are rewarded for candidate approvals so you are sure to get qualified submissions.
Selectively engage only the SourceOwls recruiters that have the right industry focus.
Simplified Vendor Management! One resource offers a wide variety of recruiters making accounting a synch.